
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Power of Praise

To practice positive parenting , we need to learn to give praises when our children has taken the right actions. Praising is a good positive encouragement to our children as it makes them feel good and proud that you noticed, and the good feeling would encourage them to perform the same or similar actions more frequently. Simultaneously, it also makes you feel good about yourself, and helps you to bond and have a more rewarding relationship with your kids.
The practice of praising does not only help you with positive parenting as the benefits of being able to praise honestly has many other benefits as well; as written below by Chris Widener, a personal development and leadership expert on The Power of Praising Your Family :
"Your relationship grows. Life is about relationships: family relationships, friends and co-workers. When we begin to praise people for their positive aspects, our relationships grow. It puts them, and us, on the fast track. Your leadership and influence grow. Who is going to have greater relationships: the one who tears down or the one who builds up?
Stronger relationships and loyalty. When a person is appreciated and praised, they become fiercely loyal because they know that you care for them, love them and appreciate them. This will take you to success.
Happier, more fulfilled people. I truly believe it is our job to build the members of our family up and that they need it. There will always be others who come along to tear them down; it is our job to instill in them the power of praise!
Some Ways to Praise:
Character traits. Is your wife joyful? Is your husband hardworking? Is your son or daughter honest? Then let them know how much you appreciate that in them. Say something like this, "You know, Tom, I think it is great that you are such a hard worker. You really set a good example, and I want you to know how much I appreciate that." Simple!
Action. Same idea as above. "Sue, I don't know if I have ever told you this, but I love how you always take action on the things you believe in. Thanks for that."
Other ways you can show praise and appreciation is with a card or a gift.
Make it your goal to praise every member of your family at least once each day. If you can, praise them a few times a day. It will take work, but it is possible -it just takes discipline and a little work.
Any way you cut it, there is power in praising people. If you are serious about creating healthy family relationships, this is a great place to start!" - Chris Widener.
So, if your kids  have done something wrong, explain why and correct it, but when they do something right, always be ready to praise them :)